Friday, January 20, 2006

Details of 'sleeping bag technique'

The terrible details of the death of former-Iraqi Major General Mowhoush have come to light in the trial of Chief Warrant officer Lewis Welshofer Jr. Mowhoush's death is one of the most "high profile" homicides by the US armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Welshofer believed that his techique of putting sleeping bags over the heads of detainees, wrapping tape tightly around their torsos, and then sitting on top of the detainees chests was authorized by his higher-ups. He said he believed the directive 'the gloves are off' sanctioned his abusive, and fatal, interrogation technique.

The LA Times reports from Welshofer's trial in Colorado, explaining that none of Welshofer's superiors accept blame for the homicide. (Even though rules from interrogation were changing week to week in September 2003.)

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